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Leather goods







Analyses Reach

Dosage of 4,4-Methylene dianiline (hardener amine listed under restricted amines)

n° CAS 101-77-9
Standard: ISO 17234 et EN 14362-1
Equipment: Shimadzu GC-MS QP2010 Ultra
Certification: Yes
Sectors: Medical, Packaging / Display, Leather goods, Jewelry, Watchmaking, Metalworking
Dosage of alkylphenols and their ethoxylates
Standard: ISO 18218-1 and internal extraction
Equipment: Shimadzu HPLC Nexera
Certification: No
Sectors: Watchmaking, Jewelry, Leather goods, Packaging / Displays
Dosage of Anthracene (SVHC, REACH)
n° CAS 120-12-7
Standard: AfPS GS 2014:01 PAK
Equipment: Shimadzu GC-MS QP2010 Ultra
Certification: Yes
Sectors: Watchmaking, Metallurgy, Jewelry, Leather Goods, Packaging / Display, Medical
Michler's base and Michler's ketone (MB and MK)
Dosage of MB and MK (SVHC REACH)

BM n°CAS 101-61-1

CM n°CAS 90-94-8
Standard: Internal standard
Equipment: Shimadzu GC-MS QP2010 Ultra
Certification: Yes
Sectors: Telephony, Medical, Packaging / Display, Leather goods, Jewelry, Watchmaking
Chrome VI
Hexavalent chromium (Chromium VI) dosage in leather
Standard: EN ISO 17075-1
Equipment: Shimadzu UV-2600
Certification: Yes
Sectors: Medical, Packaging / Display, Leather goods, Jewelry, Watchmaking, Metalworking
Azo dyes / Aromatic amines
Determination of restricted aromatic amines resulting from the reductive cleavage of azo dyes (REACH)
Standard: ISO 17234, EN 14362-1 et EN 14362-3
Equipment: Shimadzu GC-MS QP2010 Ultra
Certification: Yes
Sectors: Medical, Packaging / display, Leather goods, Jewelry, Watchmaking
Fluorine compounds
Detection of fluorinated compounds (SVHC, REACH)

Analyse sous-traitée
Standard: CEN/TS 15968
Equipment: Shimadzu HPLC Nexera
Certification: Yes
Sectors: Telephony, Medical, Packaging / Display, Leather goods, Jewelry, Watchmaking
DMF (N,N-Diméthylformamide)
Determination of DMF (SVHC REACH)

n°CAS 68-12-2
Standard: ISO 16189
Equipment: Shimadzu GC-MS QP2010 Ultra
Certification: Yes
Sectors: Watchmaking, Jewelry, Leather goods, Packaging / Display, Medical, Telephony
DMFu (Diméthylfumarate)
Determination of DMFu (Annex XVII REACH)
n°CAS 624-49-7
Standard: ISO 16186
Equipment: Shimadzu GC-MS QP2010 Ultra
Certification: Yes
Sectors: Telephony, Medical, Packaging / Display, Leather goods, Jewelry, Watchmaking
Determination of Formamide (SVHC, REACH)
n°CAS 75-12-7
Standard: Internal standard
Equipment: Shimadzu GC-MS QP2010 Ultra et Shimadzu GC-MS QP2010 Ultra + HS20
Certification: No
Sectors: Telephony, Medical, Packaging / Display, Leather goods, Jewelry, Watchmaking
HAP (Hydrocarbures Aromatiques Polycycliques)
Dosage of PAHs according to US-EPA and Annex XVII, REACH
Standard: AfPS GS 2014:01 PAK et ISO 18287
Equipment: Shimadzu GC-MS QP2010 Ultra
Certification: Yes
Sectors: Medical, Packaging / Display, Leather goods, Jewelry, Watchmaking, Metalworking
HBCDD (Hexabromocyclododecane)
Determination of HBCDD – all isomers (Annex XIV REACH)
n°CAS 3194-55-6
Standard: ISO 17881-1
Equipment: Shimadzu GC-MS QP2010 Ultra
Certification: Yes
Sectors: Medical, Packaging / display, Leather goods, Jewelry, Watchmaking
Determination of Imidazolidine-2-thione (vulcanization accelerator, SVHC, REACH)
n°CAS 96-45-7
Standard: Internal standard
Equipment: Shimadzu GC-MS QP2010 Ultra
Certification: No
Sectors: Telephony, Medical, Packaging / Display, Leather goods, Jewelry, Watchmaking
Nickel release
Determination of the weekly released nickel quantity per unit of surface in synthetic sweat (Annex XVII, REACH), with or without prior wear simulation according to EN 12472.

n°CAS 7440-02-0
Standard: EN 1811 et EN 12472
Equipment: Shimadzu ICPE-9000
Certification: Yes
Sectors: Telephony, Medical, Jewelry, Watchmaking, Metalworking
Metals and their salts
Metal quantification (SVHC, RoHS 2, and California Proposition 65)
Standard: EN 62321, ISO 17072-2, EN 10351 et EPA Method 3052B
Equipment: Shimadzu ICPE-9000
Certification: Yes
Sectors: Medical, Packaging / Display, Leather goods, Jewelry, Watchmaking, Metalworking, Telephony
NMP (N-Methyl-2-Pyrrolidone)
n°CAS 872-50-4
Standard: Internal standard
Equipment: Shimadzu GC-MS QP2010 Ultra
Certification: Yes
Sectors: Telephony, Medical, Packaging / Display, Leather goods, Jewelry, Watchmaking
Organotin chemistry
Dosage of organotins (Japanese law 112, REACH and ORRChim)
Standard: ISO/TS 16179
Equipment: Shimadzu GC-MS QP2010 Ultra
Certification: Yes
Sectors: Packaging / display, Leather goods, Jewelry, Watchmaking
Dosage of phthalates (SVHC, CPSA)
Standard: ISO/TS 16181 (cuir/caoutchouc) et ISO 14389 (textile)
Equipment: Shimadzu GC-MS QP2010 Ultra
Certification: Yes
Sectors: Packaging / display, Leather goods, Jewelry, Watchmaking
PTOP (p-tert-Octylphenol or 4-tert-Octylphenol) (H315)
n° CAS 140-66-9
Standard: Internal standard
Equipment: Shimadzu GC-MS QP2010 Ultra
Certification: Yes
Sectors: Packaging / Display, Leather goods, Jewelry, Metalworking, Watchmaking
Screening REACH
Screening to detect SVHC (REACH) substances present in articles.
Standard: Internal standard
Equipment: Shimadzu GC-MS QP2010
Certification: No
Sectors: Watchmaking, Jewelry, Leather goods, Packaging / Display, Medical, Telephony
TCEP (Tris(2-chloroethyl) phosphate)
Determination of TCEP (SVHC, REACH)
n°CAS 115-96-8
Standard: Internal standard
Equipment: Shimadzu GC-MS QP2010 Ultra
Certification: Yes
Sectors: Telephony, Packaging / Display, Leather goods, Jewelry, Watchmaking
TGIC and beta-TGIC (Triglycidyl isocyanurate)
Determination of TGIC and beta-TGIC (SVHC REACH)
TGIC n°CAS 2451-62-9
beta-TGIC n°CAS 59653-74-6
Standard: Internal standard
Equipment: Shimadzu GC-MS QP2010 Ultra
Certification: Yes
Sectors: Telephony, Medical, Packaging / Display, Leather goods, Jewelry, Watchmaking, Metalworking
2-MBT (2-Mercaptobenzothiazole)
2-MBT dosage
n° CAS 149-30-4
Standard: Internal standard
Equipment: Shimadzu GC-MS QP2010 Ultra
Certification: No
Sectors: Medical, Packaging / Display, Leather goods, Jewelry, Watchmaking, Metalworking
Dosage of 4,4-Methylene dianiline (hardener amine listed under restricted amines)

n° CAS 101-77-9
Standard: ISO 17234 et EN 14362-1
Equipment: Shimadzu GC-MS QP2010 Ultra
Certification: Yes
Sectors: Medical, Packaging / Display, Leather goods, Jewelry, Watchmaking, Metalworking
Dosage of alkylphenols and their ethoxylates
Standard: ISO 18218-1 and internal extraction
Equipment: Shimadzu HPLC Nexera
Certification: No
Sectors: Watchmaking, Jewelry, Leather goods, Packaging / Displays
ICP-OES Analysis
Dosage of metals by photon emission at its wavelengths (majority of the elements of the periodic table except rare gases, halogens (except I), actinides (except Th and U), H, C, N, O, Tc, Pm, Po , At, Fr, Ra)
Equipment: Shimadzu ICPE-9000
Sectors: Medical, Packaging / Display, Leather goods, Jewelry, Watchmaking, Metalworking
GC-MS Analysis
Dosage of organic substances by column separation (GC) and characterization by mass spectrometer (MS)
Equipment: Shimadzu GC-MS QP2010 Ultra
Sectors: Medical, Packaging / display, Leather goods, Jewelry, Watchmaking
Analyse par spectrométrie FTIR avec ATR (Silver gate et Ge)
Polymer characterization
Equipment: Shimadzu IRPrestige-21
Sectors: Packaging / display, Leather goods, Jewelry, Watchmaking
REACH & RoHS Analysis
Dosage of restricted or prohibited substances according to REACH and RoHS legislation, but also such as: Japanese law 112, California Proposition 65, ORRChim, US CPSA, GB China
Standard: Substance dependent
Equipment: Depends on substance
Certification: Yes
Sectors: Medical, Packaging / Display, Leather goods, Jewelry, Watchmaking, Metalworking
Dosage of Anthracene (SVHC, REACH)
n° CAS 120-12-7
Standard: AfPS GS 2014:01 PAK
Equipment: Shimadzu GC-MS QP2010 Ultra
Certification: Yes
Sectors: Watchmaking, Metallurgy, Jewelry, Leather Goods, Packaging / Display, Medical
Michler's base and Michler's ketone (MB and MK)
Dosage of MB and MK (SVHC REACH)

BM n°CAS 101-61-1

CM n°CAS 90-94-8
Standard: Internal standard
Equipment: Shimadzu GC-MS QP2010 Ultra
Certification: Yes
Sectors: Telephony, Medical, Packaging / Display, Leather goods, Jewelry, Watchmaking
Detection of chlorophenols (PCP, TriCP and TeCP (ORRChim)
PCP n°CAS 87-86-5
TriCP n°CAS 88-06-2
TeCP n°CAS 58-90-2 et 935-95-5
Standard: EN ISO 17070
Equipment: Shimadzu GC-MS QP2010 Ultra
Certification: Yes
Sectors: Packaging / display, Leather goods, Jewelry, Watchmaking
Soluble chrome
Extractable total chromium dosage
Standard: ISO 105-E04
Equipment: Shimadzu ICPE-9000
Certification: No
Sectors: Medical, Packaging / display, Leather goods, Jewelry, Watchmaking
Chrome VI
Hexavalent chromium (Chromium VI) dosage in leather
Standard: EN ISO 17075-1
Equipment: Shimadzu UV-2600
Certification: Yes
Sectors: Medical, Packaging / Display, Leather goods, Jewelry, Watchmaking, Metalworking
Allergenic and carcinogenic disperse dyes
Dosage of allergenic or carcinogenic disperse dyes

Subcontracted test
Standard: DIN 54231
Equipment: Shimadzu HPLC Nexera
Certification: Yes
Sectors: Medical, Leather goods, Jewelry, Watchmaking
Azo dyes / Aromatic amines
Determination of restricted aromatic amines resulting from the reductive cleavage of azo dyes (REACH)
Standard: ISO 17234, EN 14362-1 et EN 14362-3
Equipment: Shimadzu GC-MS QP2010 Ultra
Certification: Yes
Sectors: Medical, Packaging / display, Leather goods, Jewelry, Watchmaking
Fluorine compounds
Detection of fluorinated compounds (SVHC, REACH)

Analyse sous-traitée
Standard: CEN/TS 15968
Equipment: Shimadzu HPLC Nexera
Certification: Yes
Sectors: Telephony, Medical, Packaging / Display, Leather goods, Jewelry, Watchmaking
DMF (N,N-Diméthylformamide)
Determination of DMF (SVHC REACH)

n°CAS 68-12-2
Standard: ISO 16189
Equipment: Shimadzu GC-MS QP2010 Ultra
Certification: Yes
Sectors: Watchmaking, Jewelry, Leather goods, Packaging / Display, Medical, Telephony
DMFu (Diméthylfumarate)
Determination of DMFu (Annex XVII REACH)
n°CAS 624-49-7
Standard: ISO 16186
Equipment: Shimadzu GC-MS QP2010 Ultra
Certification: Yes
Sectors: Telephony, Medical, Packaging / Display, Leather goods, Jewelry, Watchmaking
DMG (Dimethylglyoxime)
Méthode de contrôle qualitative pour la libération du nickel par frottis
Standard: PR EN 12471
Equipment: Kit DMG
Certification: No
Sectors: Medical, Packaging / Display, Leather goods, Jewelry, Watchmaking, Metalworking
Dosage of elements in alloys
Dosage of alloying elements
Standard: NF EN 62321, EN 10351 & EPA Method 3052B
Equipment: Shimadzu ICPE-9000
Certification: Yes
Sectors: Medical, Leather goods, Jewelry, Watchmaking, Metalworking
EGDMA (Ethylene Glycol Dimethacrylate)
Determination of EGDMA (H317)
n°CAS 97-90-5
Standard: Internal standard
Equipment: Shimadzu GC-MS QP2010 Ultra
Certification: Yes
Sectors: Telephony, Medical, Packaging / Display, Leather goods, Jewelry, Watchmaking
Determination of Formamide (SVHC, REACH)
n°CAS 75-12-7
Standard: Internal standard
Equipment: Shimadzu GC-MS QP2010 Ultra et Shimadzu GC-MS QP2010 Ultra + HS20
Certification: No
Sectors: Telephony, Medical, Packaging / Display, Leather goods, Jewelry, Watchmaking
Formaldehyde testing, Japanese Law 112 and California Proposition 65

n° CAS 50-00-0
Standard: ISO 17226-1, ISO 17226-2 et ISO 14184-1
Equipment: Shimadzu HPLC Nexera
Certification: Yes
Sectors: Medical, Packaging / display, Leather goods, Jewelry, Watchmaking
HAP (Hydrocarbures Aromatiques Polycycliques)
Dosage of PAHs according to US-EPA and Annex XVII, REACH
Standard: AfPS GS 2014:01 PAK et ISO 18287
Equipment: Shimadzu GC-MS QP2010 Ultra
Certification: Yes
Sectors: Medical, Packaging / Display, Leather goods, Jewelry, Watchmaking, Metalworking
HBCDD (Hexabromocyclododecane)
Determination of HBCDD – all isomers (Annex XIV REACH)
n°CAS 3194-55-6
Standard: ISO 17881-1
Equipment: Shimadzu GC-MS QP2010 Ultra
Certification: Yes
Sectors: Medical, Packaging / display, Leather goods, Jewelry, Watchmaking
Composition of movement oils
Standard: Internal standard
Equipment: Shimadzu GC-MS QP2010 Ultra
Certification: No
Sectors: Medical, Watchmaking
Determination of Imidazolidine-2-thione (vulcanization accelerator, SVHC, REACH)
n°CAS 96-45-7
Standard: Internal standard
Equipment: Shimadzu GC-MS QP2010 Ultra
Certification: No
Sectors: Telephony, Medical, Packaging / Display, Leather goods, Jewelry, Watchmaking
Dosage of isocyanates (H317)
Standard: Internal standard
Equipment: Shimadzu GC-MS QP2010
Certification: No
Sectors: Watchmaking, Jewelry
Nickel release
Determination of the weekly released nickel quantity per unit of surface in synthetic sweat (Annex XVII, REACH), with or without prior wear simulation according to EN 12472.

n°CAS 7440-02-0
Standard: EN 1811 et EN 12472
Equipment: Shimadzu ICPE-9000
Certification: Yes
Sectors: Telephony, Medical, Jewelry, Watchmaking, Metalworking
Metals and their salts
Metal quantification (SVHC, RoHS 2, and California Proposition 65)
Standard: EN 62321, ISO 17072-2, EN 10351 et EPA Method 3052B
Equipment: Shimadzu ICPE-9000
Certification: Yes
Sectors: Medical, Packaging / Display, Leather goods, Jewelry, Watchmaking, Metalworking, Telephony
NMP (N-Methyl-2-Pyrrolidone)
n°CAS 872-50-4
Standard: Internal standard
Equipment: Shimadzu GC-MS QP2010 Ultra
Certification: Yes
Sectors: Telephony, Medical, Packaging / Display, Leather goods, Jewelry, Watchmaking
Organotin chemistry
Dosage of organotins (Japanese law 112, REACH and ORRChim)
Standard: ISO/TS 16179
Equipment: Shimadzu GC-MS QP2010 Ultra
Certification: Yes
Sectors: Packaging / display, Leather goods, Jewelry, Watchmaking
Para-Phenylenediamine (PPD) and N-Isopropyl-N’-phenyl-p-phenylenediamine (IPPD)
Determination of PPD (allergenic dye present in plastics/rubbers)
n°CAS 106-50-3
Determination of IPPD (allergenic antioxidant for plastics/rubbers)
n°CAS 101-72-4
Standard: Norme interne et EN 14362-1
Equipment: Shimadzu GC-MS QP2010 Ultra
Certification: No
Sectors: Leather goods, Jewelry, Watchmaking
PBB and PBDE (Polybrominated Biphenyls and Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers)
Determination of PBB and PBDE (flame retardants, RoHS and REACH)
Standard: ISO 17881 et EN 62321
Equipment: Shimadzu GC-MS QP2010 Ultra
Certification: Yes
Sectors: Telephony, Medical, Packaging / Display, Leather goods, Jewelry, Watchmaking, Metalworking
SCCP (Short-Chain Chlorinated Paraffins, C10-C13)
Determination of the presence of SCCP (organic pollutants) (Regulation (EC) No 850/2004, update No 519/2012)
n°CAS 85535-84-8
Standard: ISO_DIS 18219
Equipment: Shimadzu GC-MS-NCI QP2010 Ultra
Certification: Yes
Sectors: Packaging / display, Leather goods, Jewelry, Watchmaking
Determination of pH value (acidity level)
Standard: EN ISO 4045 (cuir) et ISO 3071 (textile)
Equipment: pH meter
Certification: Yes
Sectors: Packaging / display, Leather goods, Jewelry, Watchmaking
Dosage of phthalates (SVHC, CPSA)
Standard: ISO/TS 16181 (cuir/caoutchouc) et ISO 14389 (textile)
Equipment: Shimadzu GC-MS QP2010 Ultra
Certification: Yes
Sectors: Packaging / display, Leather goods, Jewelry, Watchmaking
PTBP (p-tert-Butylphenol)
Dosage du PTBP
n° CAS 98-54-4
Standard: Internal standard
Equipment: Shimadzu GC-MS QP2010 Ultra
Certification: Yes
Sectors: Leather goods, Jewelry, Watchmaking
PTOP (p-tert-Octylphenol or 4-tert-Octylphenol) (H315)
n° CAS 140-66-9
Standard: Internal standard
Equipment: Shimadzu GC-MS QP2010 Ultra
Certification: Yes
Sectors: Packaging / Display, Leather goods, Jewelry, Metalworking, Watchmaking
Allergen screening
Screening to detect the main allergens present in articles.
Standard: Internal standard
Equipment: Shimadzu GC-MS QP2010
Certification: No
Sectors: Medical, Watchmaking, Jewelry, Telephony
Screening REACH
Screening to detect SVHC (REACH) substances present in articles.
Standard: Internal standard
Equipment: Shimadzu GC-MS QP2010
Certification: No
Sectors: Watchmaking, Jewelry, Leather goods, Packaging / Display, Medical, Telephony
Sulfur and Carbon
Determination of sulfur and carbon
Standard: ISO 15350
Equipment: Combustion avec détecteur infrarouge
Certification: No
Sectors: Medical, Packaging / Display, Leather goods, Jewelry, Watchmaking, Metalworking
UV stabilizers
Dosage of the following UV stabilizers:
UV 320 (n° CAS 3846-71-7)
UV 327 (n° CAS 3864-99-1)
UV 328 (n° CAS 25973-55-1)
UV 350 (n° CAS 36437-37-3)

Standard: Internal standard
Equipment: Shimadzu GC-MS QP 2010 Ultra
Certification: No
Sectors: Watchmaking, Jewelry, Packaging / Display
TCEP (Tris(2-chloroethyl) phosphate)
Determination of TCEP (SVHC, REACH)
n°CAS 115-96-8
Standard: Internal standard
Equipment: Shimadzu GC-MS QP2010 Ultra
Certification: Yes
Sectors: Telephony, Packaging / Display, Leather goods, Jewelry, Watchmaking
TGIC and beta-TGIC (Triglycidyl isocyanurate)
Determination of TGIC and beta-TGIC (SVHC REACH)
TGIC n°CAS 2451-62-9
beta-TGIC n°CAS 59653-74-6
Standard: Internal standard
Equipment: Shimadzu GC-MS QP2010 Ultra
Certification: Yes
Sectors: Telephony, Medical, Packaging / Display, Leather goods, Jewelry, Watchmaking, Metalworking
Leather aging before Cr VI analysis
Leather aging before chromium VI analysis
Standard: ISO 17075-3
Equipment: Steamroom
Certification: No
Sectors: Packaging / Display, Leather goods, Jewelry, Metalworking, Watchmaking

Climatic aging tests

REACH & RoHS Analysis
Dosage of restricted or prohibited substances according to REACH and RoHS legislation, but also such as: Japanese law 112, California Proposition 65, ORRChim, US CPSA, GB China
Standard: Substance dependent
Equipment: Depends on substance
Certification: Yes
Sectors: Medical, Packaging / Display, Leather goods, Jewelry, Watchmaking, Metalworking
Salt spray
Corrosion Testing, Salt Spray Test
Standard: ISO 9227 & NIHS 96-50
Equipment: Spray enclosure (alternating or continuous)
Certification: Yes
Sectors: Jewelry, Watchmaking, Metalworking
Damp heat testing.
Standard: NIHS 96-50 & EN 60068-2-67
Equipment: Climatic chambers ATT DY250 and ATT DY250+UV
Certification: Yes
Sectors: Medical, Packaging / Display, Leather goods, Jewelry, Watchmaking, Metalworking
Thermal stress
Resistance test to cycles of exposure to 70°C then immersion in water at 5°C
Standard: NIHS 96-50
Equipment: Oven at 70°C and refrigerator
Certification: Yes
Sectors: Medical, Packaging / Display, Leather goods, Jewelry, Watchmaking, Metalworking
Metal contamination
Resistance test to oxidizable metals of surfaces
Standard: NIHS 96-50
Equipment: Climatic chambers ATT DY250 and ATT DY250+UVH
Certification: No
Sectors: Packaging / Display, Leather goods, Jewelry, Metalworking, Watchmaking
Leak-tightness/Microleak detection
Checks the tightness of the material up to 1000 m
Standard: ISO 6425 / ISO 22810 & NIHS 92-11 / 92-20
Equipment: Roxer P30, mariot meter
Certification: Yes
Sectors: Watchmaking
Climatic cycles of aging (cold – heat – humidity)
Resistance test to accelerated aging cycles (hot-cold alternation)
Standard: by NI (n.b. internal standard)
Equipment: Climatic chambers ATT DY250 and ATT DY250+UV
Certification: Yes
Sectors: Medical, Packaging / Display, Leather goods, Jewelry, Watchmaking, Metalworking
Pool water
Corrosion resistance test by chlorinated agents
Standard: NIHS 96-50
Equipment: Desiccator + oven
Certification: No
Sectors: Jewelry, Watchmaking, Metalworking
Flower of Sulfur (or Thioacetamide)
Corrosion resistance test by sulfur agents (copper base materials, gold alloys, solder and galvanic coating)
Standard: NIHS 96-50 / ISO 12687 (ISO4538 Thio)
Equipment: Desiccator + oven
Certification: Yes
Sectors: Medical, Packaging / Display, Leather goods, Jewelry, Watchmaking, Metalworking
Resistance test of elastomer seals to humidity saturation and at different temperatures depending on the type of polymers
Standard: Internal standard
Equipment: Autoclave
Certification: No
Sectors: Medical, Packaging / Display, Leather goods, Watchmaking
Color migration in contact with water
Color migration test in water
Standard: Internal standard / ISO 105-A03
Equipment: Crystallizer
Certification: No
Sectors: Leather goods, Jewelry, Watchmaking
Color migration through sweat
Color migration test on blotter or sweat-soaked cotton
Standard: NIHS 96-11 / ISO 3260-2
Equipment: Oven at 40°C
Certification: yes
Sectors: Medical, Leather goods, Jewelry, Watchmaking, Metalworking
Ozone for rubber
Ozone resistance test
Standard: ISO 1431-1
Certification: No
Sectors: Packaging / display, Leather goods, Jewelry, Watchmaking
Solar radiation / UV
Color resistance test to solar radiation
Standard: EN 60068-2-9, NIHS 96-50, ISO 105 A02, ISO 105 A03 et ISO 105 B02
Equipment: Vötsch VCL 4033MH climatic chamber with metal halide
Certification: Yes
Sectors: Medical, Packaging / display, Leather goods, Jewelry, Watchmaking
Water drop resistance
Behavior of the coating in contact with a drop of water
Standard: ISO 105 A02-03 / IUF 420 / NIHS 96-50
Certification: No
Sectors: Leather goods, Jewelry, Watchmaking
Resistance to cosmetics
Resistance test to cosmetic products (perfume, sunscreen, body milk and mosquito repellent)
Standard: Internal standard / ISO 105-A02-3 / NIHS 96-50
Equipment: Oven at 40°C
Certification: No
Sectors: Leather goods, Jewelry, Watchmaking
Solvent resistance
Solvent resistance test by immersion (Ethyl acetate, acetone, isopropyl alcohol, benzene, ethanol or as requested)
Standard: NIHS 96-50
Equipment: Crystallizer
Certification: No
Sectors: Leather goods, Jewelry, Watchmaking
Synthetic sweats
Synthetic sweat corrosion resistance test
Standard: NIHS 96-50 & ISO 12870
Equipment: Spray chamber or by contact in an oven
Certification: Yes
Sectors: Medical, Leather goods, Jewelry, Watchmaking, Metalworking

Mechanical aging tests

Pendulum sheep shocks
Application of a shock with an acceleration of between 500 and 5000 g
Standard: ISO 1413 & NIHS 91-10
Equipment: Pendulum sheep
Certification: Yes
Sectors: Packaging / Display, Leather goods, Jewelry, Metalworking, Watchmaking
Chapuis shocks
Simulates the wear and aging of an assembly using shocks between 50 and 100 g
Standard: Internal standard
Equipment: Equipment developed by the laboratory
Certification: No
Sectors: Packaging / display, Leather goods, Jewelry, Watchmaking
Screw tightening / loosening torque measurement
Measurement of the tightening / loosening torque of screws or other screwed elements
Standard: Internal standard
Equipment: Torque meter
Certification: No
Sectors: Medical, Packaging / Display, Leather goods, Jewelry, Watchmaking, Metalworking
Force measurement

Standard: Internal standard
Equipment: Mecmesin
Certification: No
Sectors: Medical, Packaging / display, Leather goods, Jewelry, Watchmaking
Measurement of the kinetic energy of glass breaking
Test the resistance of the glass using a falling ball
Standard: ISO 14368-3 / NIHS 61-13
Equipment: Equipment developed by the laboratory
Certification: Yes
Sectors: Watchmaking, Telephony
Torque measurement: crown rotation, crown function wear and crown seal
Torque measurement of a rotating bezel and screwed elements. Simulates the wear and aging of the rotational movement of the crown (with water resistance control)
Standard: Internal standard, NIHS 92-11 & ISO 6425
Equipment: Torque meter
Certification: Yes
Sectors: Watchmaking
Measurement and control of looseness, deflection and torsion angle of bracelets
Measurement of the different torsion angles of a metal bracelet (before and after aging)
Standard: Internal standard
Equipment: Equipment developed by the laboratory
Certification: Yes
Sectors: Jewelry, Watchmaking
Pin and insert extraction force measurement
Measures the force to extract a pin or insert
Standard: Internal standard
Equipment: Mecmesin + JJTM 5000
Certification: No
Sectors: Jewelry, Watchmaking
Alternating wrist movements
Simulates the aging of the assembly elements by moving the bracelet back and forth
Standard: Internal standard
Equipment: Equipment developed by the laboratory
Certification: Yes
Sectors: Jewelry, Watchmaking
Disorderly movements
Test the behavior of the assembly elements by applying a disordered movement
Standard: Internal standard
Equipment: Equipment developed by the laboratory
Certification: Yes
Sectors: Jewelry, Watchmaking
Swivel clasp joints
Simulates the aging of the axes of the mobile blades of the clasp
Standard: Internal standard
Equipment: Equipment developed by the laboratory
Certification: No
Sectors: Jewelry, Watchmaking
Simulates the wear and aging of an element (bracelet for example)
Standard: Internal standard
Equipment: Equipment developed by the laboratory
Certification: No
Sectors: Jewelry, Watchmaking
Simulates the scratch resistance of a component surface at different pencil lead hardnesses. Simulates the degradation of the aesthetics of watch cases and their accessories under the conditions of wear
Standard: ISO 15184, ISO 23160
Equipment: Equipment developed by the laboratory
Certification: Yes
Sectors: Packaging / display, Leather goods, Jewelry, Watchmaking
Peel strength
Allows the control of the behavior of a coating / surface finish by contact with different adhesive tapes
Standard: Internal standard
Equipment: Equipment developed by the laboratory
Certification: No
Sectors: Medical, Packaging / display, Leather goods, Jewelry, Watchmaking
Sand resistance rotating bezel
The middle part with rotating bezel is placed in a barrel with sand, then functionality check and torque measurement
Standard: Internal standard
Equipment: Coating wear
Certification: No
Sectors: Watchmaking
Rotation of the rotating bezel
Simulates the wear and aging of the rotating movement of the bezel
Standard: Internal standard
Equipment: Equipment developed by the laboratory
Certification: Yes
Sectors: Watchmaking
Drum fouling
Soil resistance test followed by a cleaning cycle
Standard: ISO 11378-2, ISO 105 A02 & ISO 105 A03
Equipment: Coating wear
Certification: Yes
Sectors: Leather goods, Jewelry, Watchmaking
Dye fastness on humid leather (Veslic test)
Control of the hold of the leather finish by linear friction with dry, wet and sweat
Standard: ISO 11640 / ISO 11641
Equipment: Equipment developed by the laboratory
Certification: Yes
Sectors: Leather goods, Jewelry, Watchmaking
Holding of reported elements
Measurement of the tensile / compressive strength of the added elements (by gluing / brazing / welding, etc.)
Standard: Internal standard
Equipment: Equipment developed by the laboratory
Certification: No
Sectors: Medical, Packaging / display, Leather goods, Jewelry, Watchmaking
Wear test according to EN-12472

Wear test applied to any coated part prior to nickel release test

Standard: EN 12472
Equipment: Barrel developed for METALLO-TESTS
Certification: Yes
Sectors: Leather goods, Jewelry, Watchmaking
Measures the breaking force (seals, bracelet, …) up to 5000 N
Standard: Internal standard
Equipment: JJTM 5000
Certification: No
Sectors: Medical, Packaging / Display, Leather goods, Jewelry, Watchmaking, Metalworking
Tensile – bending
Simulates the aging of the case / bracelet connection or bracelet construction in bending
Standard: internal
Equipment: Equipment developed by the laboratory
Certification: No
Sectors: Jewelry, Watchmaking
Traction – torsion
Simulates the aging of a bracelet or a case/bracelet assembly by pulling/twisting
Standard: Internal standard
Equipment: Equipment developed by the laboratory
Certification: Yes
Sectors: Jewelry, Watchmaking
Multidirectional abrasion wear
Simulates the wear and aging of an assembly (metal bracelet for example)
Standard: Internal standard
Equipment: Equipment developed by the laboratory
Certification: No
Sectors: Medical, Jewelry, Watchmaking
Anti-reflective wear on glass
Range of tests to qualify the resistance to wear and aging of a surface treatment on glass (Anti-reflection) with control of the transmittance
Standard: ISO 2819
Certification: No
Sectors: Watchmaking
Loop wear (edge ​​tinting fastness)
Simulates the wear and aging of the movement of the strand passing through a loop when putting on and taking off the watch
Standard: Internal standard
Equipment: Equipment developed by the laboratory
Certification: No
Sectors: Jewelry, Watchmaking
Wear clasp / mobile element on box
Simulates the aging of the closing / opening functions of a clasp
Standard: Internal standard
Equipment: Equipment developed by the laboratory
Certification: Yes
Sectors: Jewelry, Watchmaking
Passing wear
Simulates the wear and aging of the movement and the wear from the friction of the loops (moving and fixed)
Standard: Internal standard
Equipment: Equipment developed by the laboratory
Certification: No
Sectors: Jewelry, Watchmaking
Tappet wear
Simulates the wear and aging of the pusher functions of a watch (Start – Stop – Reset)
Standard: Internal standard
Equipment: Equipment developed by the laboratory
Certification: Yes
Sectors: Jewelry, Watchmaking
Handbag wear
Simulates component wear and aging with items of a hand bag
Standard: Internal standard
Equipment: Coating wear
Certification: No
Sectors: Jewelry, Watchmaking
Turbula or Polyservice wear
Simulates the wear and aging of a component in contact with an abrasive mixture
Standard: ISO 23160, NIHS 96-22
Equipment: Coating wear
Certification: Yes
Sectors: Medical, Leather goods, Jewelry, Watchmaking
Simulates wear and aging during vibration
Standard: Internal standard
Equipment developed by the laboratory
Certification: No
Sectors: Medical, Leather goods, Jewelry, Watchmaking

Consulting, Testing, Certifications

Soutien et gestion de projet et demande, suivi et mise en place d’actions correctives et conseil chez les clients
Sectors: Medical, Packaging / Display, Leather goods, Jewelry, Watchmaking, Metalworking
Boîtes, cadrans, Bracelets cuirs – polymères – métal, aiguilles, fermoir, boucle, packaging, display.

Réalisation et mise en place de gammes de tests selon spécifications
Sectors: Packaging / Display, Leather goods, Jewelry, Metalworking, Watchmaking
REACH est un règlement européen régi par l’ECHA (European CHemicals Agency) basée à Helsinki. Il a été adopté pour mieux protéger la santé et l’environnement contre les risques liés aux substances chimiques. Ce règlement exige que tout produit chimique entrant en Europe soit enregistré dans le but de connaître à quelle fin il sera utilisé.
Sectors: Medical, Packaging / Display, Leather goods, Jewelry, Watchmaking, Metalworking
Restriction of the use of certain Hazardous Substances.
Dosage des métaux lourds tels que Pb / Cd / Hg par ICP Plasma.
Dosage des retardateurs de flammes polybromés (PBB et PBBE) par GC-MS
Equipment: Shimadzu ICPE-9000 et Shimadzu GC-MS QP2010 Ultra
Sectors: Medical, Packaging / Display, Leather goods, Jewelry, Watchmaking, Metalworking

Material characterisation

Water absorption / retention (leather)
Determination of water absorption and desorption by leather
Standard: ISO 2417
Equipment: Kubelka & Vötsch VCL 4033MH
Certification: No
Sectors: Telephony, Packaging / Display, Leather goods, Jewelry, Watchmaking
Adhesive tape or thermal shock resistance test
Standard: Internal standard / NIHS 96-50
Certification: No
Sectors: Medical, Packaging / Display, Leather goods, Jewelry, Watchmaking, Metalworking
Stainless steel analysis
Determination of chemical composition and/or inclusion research according to ISO 20160 methods M or K
Standard: DIN 50602
Equipment: Optical microscope and scanning electron microscope Zeiss Sigma
Certification: Yes
Sectors: Medical, Leather goods, Jewelry, Watchmaking, Metalworking
EDX/EDS analysis (qualitative and semi-quantitative from Beryllium)
Qualitative and semi-quantitative analysis by EDX (Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectrometry) from beryllium
Equipment: Aztec Advanced Microanalysis
Certification: yes
Sectors: Medical, Packaging / Display, Leather goods, Jewelry, Watchmaking, Metalworking
Brass analysis
Inclusion determination, grain size and chemical composition.
Equipment: Optical microscope and scanning electron microscope Zeiss Sigma
Sectors: Packaging / Display, Leather goods, Jewelry, Metalworking, Watchmaking
Polymer characterization
Rubber, plastic, glue, resin characterization of the structure
Standard: Internal standard
Equipment: Shimadzu IRPrestige-21
Certification: No
Sectors: Medical, Packaging / display, Leather goods, Jewelry, Watchmaking
Coating adhesion control
Mechanical resistance check and adhesion of the coating by adhesive tape, thermal shock, folding, gridding
Standard: ISO 2819, ISO 3157, ISO 27874 & NIHS 96-50
Equipment: Equipment developed by the laboratory
Certification: Yes
Sectors: Medical, Packaging / Display, Leather goods, Jewelry, Watchmaking, Metalworking
Scanning Electron Microscope exam
Component examination and characterization
Equipment: Zeiss Sigma electronic microscope
Certification: Yes
Sectors: Medical, Leather goods, Jewelry, Watchmaking, Metalworking
Metallographic examination
Metallographic examination of materials with characterization of phases, inclusions and grain size
Equipment: Optical microscope
Sectors: Medical, Jewelry, Watchmaking, Metalworking
Optical examination of inclusions
Search for inclusions according to DIN 50602 M or K methods
Standard: DIN50602
Equipment: Optical microscope
Certification: Yes
Sectors: Medical, Jewelry, Watchmaking, Metalworking
Grain index
Determination of grain size and index according to ASTM E-112 method
Standard: ASTM E-112 & ISO 643
Equipment: Optical microscope
Certification: Yes
Sectors: Medical, Jewelry, Watchmaking, Metalworking
Lab colorimetric measurement
Measurement of L*a*b parameters to assess color changes
Standard: ISO 12647
Equipment: UV-2600 spectrometer with integrating sphere
Certification: No
Sectors: Medical, Jewelry, Watchmaking
Vickers hardness measurement
Vickers micro-hardness measurement (50 g to 1 kg load)
Standard: ISO 6507-2 & ISO 4516
Equipment: Emco DuraScan-80
Certification: Yes
Sectors: Medical, Jewelry, Watchmaking, Metalworking
MIM density measurement (density – image analysis)
Measurement and control of the density of a component by weighing and/or porosity rate on microsection
Standard: ASTM B 311-93
Equipment: Ohaus Pioneer PA214 Analytical Balance
Certification: No
Sectors: Medical, Leather goods, Jewelry, Watchmaking, Metalworking
Schore A hardness measurement
Rubber/plastic hardness measurement
Standard: ISO 7619-1
Equipment: Wolpert Amsler Testor
Certification: Yes
Sectors: Medical, Packaging / display, Leather goods, Jewelry, Watchmaking
Optical and SEM thickness measurements
Measurement of coating thickness on cut
Standard: ISO 1463
Equipment: Optical microscope and scanning electron microscope Zeiss Sigma
Certification: Yes
Sectors: Medical, Leather goods, Jewelry, Watchmaking, Metalworking
Bending, punching
Coating resistance test on the surface of the parts
Standard: NF 80-772
Equipment: Stem + internal tooling
Certification: No
Sectors: Medical, Leather goods, Jewelry, Watchmaking, Metalworking
Coating preparation
Sectors: Medical, Packaging / Display, Leather goods, Jewelry, Watchmaking, Metalworking
Surface contamination research
Equipment: Microanalyze Oxford Aztec Advenced
Sectors: Medical, Packaging / Display, Leather goods, Jewelry, Watchmaking, Metalworking

Transport testing on packaging

Horizontal impact tests
Situation of horizontal shocks
Standard: NF H00.047 / ISO 1413
Equipment: Pendulum sheep
Certification: Yes
Sectors: Logistic, Watchmaking, Metalwork, Jewelry, Leather goods, Packaging/display, Medical, Telephony, Toys, Glass making, micro electronics, Writing instruments, Environment
Vertical impacts by free fall
Simulation of free fall of the object
Standard: ISO 2248 / ISO 1413
Equipment: Free fall
Certification: No
Sectors: Logistic, Watchmaking, Metalwork, Jewelry, Leather goods, Packaging/display, Medical, Telephony, Toys, Glass making, micro electronics, Writing instruments, Environment
Climate conditions test
Simulates climatic conditions during transport
Standard: ISO 23160
Equipment: Climatic chamber
Certification: Yes
Sectors: Logistic, Watchmaking, Metalwork, Jewelry, Leather goods, Packaging/display, Medical, Telephony, Toys, Glass making, micro electronics, Writing instruments, Environment
Fixed low-frequency vibrations
Situation of vibration at low frequencies of the object
Standard: NF H00.043
Equipment: equipment developed by the lab
Certification: No
Sectors: Logistic, Watchmaking, Metalwork, Jewelry, Leather goods, Packaging/display, Medical, Telephony, Toys, Glass making, micro electronics, Writing instruments, Environment


Ultrasonic bath (US)
Réglage de la température entre 30°C et 80°C
Sectors: Medical, Packaging / Display, Leather goods, Jewelry, Watchmaking, Metalworking
Thermoregulated agitated bath
Temperature setting between 20°C and 99°C
Sectors: Medical, Packaging / Display, Leather goods, Jewelry, Watchmaking, Metalworking
Dynamometers and torque meters
Appareils Mecmesin
Sectors: Medical, Packaging / Display, Leather goods, Jewelry, Watchmaking, Metalworking
Climatic chambers ATT DY 250 and DY 250+UV
Climatic chamber with fixed heat (-80°C to +180°C) and humidity (0% to 100%), solar radiation.
Certification: Yes
Sectors: Medical, Packaging / Display, Leather goods, Jewelry, Watchmaking, Metalworking
Enceintes de pulvérisation
Chambres de corrosion en aérosol ( brouillard salin / sueur synthétique / selon demande)
Certification: Yes
Sectors: Jewelry, Watchmaking, Metalworking
GC-MS avec détecteur EI et GC-MS avec détecteur NCI + Headspace
Cette machine permet de doser la chromatographie en phase gazeuse avec MS, permet de détecter des traces de produits chimiques dans des solvants organiques, tels que des phtalates, fragrances, …
Le Headspace permet de déterminer les COV (Composés Organiques Volatils) qui pourraient être dégazés de cadrans, caoutchouc, écrin, …
Equipment: Shimadzu GC-MS QP2010 Ultra et Shimadzu GC-MS QP2010 Ultra + HS20
Certification: Yes
Sectors: Medical, Packaging / display, Leather goods, Jewelry, Watchmaking
Machine de traction capacité (1N à 5kN)
Mesure de la force de résistance à la traction / compression
Standard: Internal standard
Equipment: JJTM 5000
Certification: No
Sectors: Medical, Packaging / Display, Leather goods, Jewelry, Watchmaking, Metalworking
Mariotmètre et cuves à surpression d’eau pour contrôle étanchéité (max. 100 bar / 1000 m)
Contrôle l’étanchéité de la pièce
Standard: ISO 22810 / ISO 6425
Certification: Yes
Sectors: Watchmaking
Matériel de préparation et d’enrobage pour la métallographie
Presse à enrober et lapidaire pour la préparation des coupes métallographiques avec possibilité de métallisation or et cuivrage électrochimique
Certification: No
Sectors: Medical, Packaging / Display, Leather goods, Jewelry, Watchmaking, Metalworking
Micro-duromètre (HV 0,01 à 10.0)
Mesure de la micro-dureté Vickers (charge de 10 g à 10 kg)
Standard: ISO 6507-2 & ISO 4516
Equipment: Emco DuraScan-80
Certification: Yes
Sectors: Medical, Leather goods, Jewelry, Watchmaking, Metalworking
Microscope électronique à balayage à effet de champs ( FEG ).
Appareil très puissant, avec résolution au nanomètre.
Il permet :

– de déterminer avec précision la composition chimique des surfaces.

– d’isoler des inclusions étrangères dans des surfaces métalliques et de déterminer la composition chimique de contaminations superficielles

– d’établir un profil 3D de surface ( topologie ) afin d’obtenir des informations précises sur la qualité de finition.

En plus de ses fonctions classiques, ce nouveau microscope
est équipé :

– d’un nouveau détecteur BSD centré dans le canon permettant de réaliser une caractérisation 3D sur de faibles surfaces ( rugosité ) inférieure au micron.

– d’un nouveau détecteur Inlens permettant une cartographie de surface sur des matériaux faiblement conducteurs.

– d’un mode VP ( pression variable ) qui permet l’observation sans altérer les surfaces des éléments non-conducteurs.

Ces nouvelles fonctionnalités évolutives permettront à l’équipe de Metallo-Tests de relever vos nouveaux défis et d’ouvrir les champs des possibles !
Microscopie optique
Mesure sur coupe ou composant au microscope optique
Sectors: Medical, Packaging / Display, Leather goods, Jewelry, Watchmaking, Metalworking
Spectromètre FTIR
Fourier Transform InfraRed Spectrometer avec ATR (cellules Silver et Ge)
Equipment: Shimadzu IRPrestige-21
Certification: No
Sectors: Medical, Packaging / display, Leather goods, Jewelry, Watchmaking
ICP-OES Spectrometer
Cette machine haut de gamme permet un dosage des traces de la plupart des éléments du tableau prériodique en milieu aqueux. Son seuil de détection atteint le ppb, voire ppt en fonction de la matrice.
Equipment: Shimadzu ICPE-9000
Certification: Yes
Sectors: Medical, Packaging / Display, Leather goods, Jewelry, Watchmaking, Metalworking
Spectromètre UV-VIS
UltraViolet VISible spectrometer avec sphère d’intégration
Equipment: Shimadzu UV-2600
Certification: No
Sectors: Medical, Packaging / display, Leather goods, Jewelry, Watchmaking