Metallo Test is an an independent analysis and certification laboratory for the luxury goods sector, meeting the requirements of ISO 17025 for competence and quality of technically valid results.
Metallo-Tests laboratory has a highly qualified team at your disposal, including several PhD and scientific staff.
Our highly-skilled, recognized employees are innovators who apply their talents to the professions of doctor of chemistry, doctor of materials science, technician and laboratory technician, as well as project manager. The Metallo-Tests laboratory is also a training facility.
ISO 17025 accredited analysis laboratory
Discover Molecult®, the app© which Metallo-Tests developed, offers a simple and efficient solution for all companies working in the luxury goods industry.
Molecult© Molecult© gathers all the restricted chemical molecules that can be found in watch components and more generally in the world of luxury goods, in compliance with various legal references such as REACH, California Proposition 65, RoHS, etc.